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Autism is not a single, easily described disorder. In fact, there are unlimited ways in which a person with autism might be affected.
The range of behaviors and challenges associated with autism is so wide that the term autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is used in order to encompass them all.
Autism is not an intellectual disability, but it is possible for a person to have multiple disorders, meaning they could be diagnosed with an intellectual disability and autism at the same time. With autism, overall intellectual ability, or IQ, can vary dramatically.
Often, a person with autism’s life is described as a journey that comes with both challenges and rewards. At times, it can also be confusing, with conflicting advice and questions about what to do next.
Early intervention is critical to the long-term success of people with autism.
Substantial scientific evidence supports the positive effects achievable with many of today’s treatment programs.
With proper intervention and support, many children diagnosed with autism can grow to enjoy active and productive lives. Depending on an individual’s needs, symptoms, and intervention, adulthood can bring a wide range of possibilities, from assisted living to independent living and employment. With effective intervention, some people may no longer meet the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Read more about autism information at: &
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